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دليل Türk sirketleri rehberi-الشركات التركية-شركات في تركيا قسم معدات كهربائية

 Diyar Kablo

القسم:معدات كهربائية

نبذة مختصرة:In light of the rapid development of the construction sector and industry in our region and the whole of the Middle East, resulting in the expansion of the industrial and commercial market. In 2006, he established an electrical cable manufacturing plant in the industrial area of ​​Diyarbakir, Turkey, with a closed area of ​​3000 square meters, named Diyar Kablo, and started producing cables and exporting them. In 2008, Diyar Kablo expanded its factory in the region into a regulated industry to increase production capacity and provide its customers with quality products. With a total area of ​​8000 square meters and a total area of ​​18000 square meters, and new machines have been added to increase production as well. Low voltage cables, flat submersible cables, TV cables, NYA cables, NYY cables, NYM cables, TTR cables, etc. Diyar Kablo has also started a production line for lighting, accessories, sockets and plugs, thus expanding its range of products. With an annual capacity of 2,000 tons of copper and 4,000 tons of plastic raw materials, the company produces cable, lighting and accessories products with an annual capacity of 3,000,000, meeting the growing demand for products by its customers. Diyar kablo has been certified ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001: 2004, ISO 18001: 2007 and CE, as well as the Turkish Standards TSE. The company has adopted quality management systems as its principle. These principles are followed by "DIYAR KABLO" and "DIYAR LIGTHTING" technologies that operate on the basis of these principles, so that customers provide reliable and high quality products, ensuring continuous customer satisfaction.

العنوان : Ergani road 22.Km Organized IndustrialArea, 1.Section 2.Street/ Diyarbakir/Turkey
Türk sirketleri rehberi-الشركات التركية-شركات في تركيا  تركيا

مجال العمل:

انتاج الكابلات ومصابيح الاضاءة والاكسسوارات الكهربائية في تركيا

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