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تابع صفحتنا على الفيس بوك  تابع صفحتنا على تويتر 
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دليل الشركات المصرية-شركات في مصر قسم شقق مفروشة

 Apartment in maadi

القسم:شقق مفروشة

نبذة مختصرة:House Point Egypt is your reliable partner in the real estate field. We take pride in being a leading force in property management, thanks to our 16 years of experience and dedication to achieving excellence in real estate. Our mission is to provide an unparalleled service, offering a seamless and stress-free experience for our clients. Whether you are buying, selling, or renting, our team of professionals in the real estate field is here to guide you at every step. We strive to make each journey a meaningful and successful experience. What sets us apart is our deep understanding of local market trends, coupled with a global vision. Our experienced team of agents has extensive knowledge of the ever-changing real estate landscape, ensuring you receive the best advice and make informed decisions. Transparency, integrity, and customer satisfaction are the cornerstones of our business. We believe in building lasting relationships with our clients based on trust and mutual success. We are committed to excellence in every aspect of our operations, from property assessment and marketing to negotiation and closing. Discover the difference when working with a strong and passionate real estate team that exceeds your expectations. Your dream home is just one step away—let us guide you to your home

العنوان : 22 Road 9, Maadi Al Khabiri Ash Sharqeyah, Maadi, Egypt 11728
الشركات المصرية-شركات في مصر  مصر

مجال العمل:

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